Serve: Global
At First United, we have a heart for the nations. In Mark 16:15, we receive the mandate to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all of creation.

We desire to demonstrate the love of God and the power of God to save, heal, and deliver individuals, families, and ultimately nations. Join us by getting involved!
Global Ministry Partners
Global ministries that are financially supported by our church.
Mission: To bring hope and catalyze sustainable transformation by uplifting the spiritual, physical, economic, and social well-being of vulnerable individuals, families, and communities.
Building churches and relationships in the Zona Sur. Missionary Wil Bailey founded and directs the ministry. He will visit First United in October 2021. Mission team scheduled for January 8-15, 2022.
Conference Mission teams are scheduled for the second half of 2021.
Promotes HIV Awareness and prevents HIV infection and transmission through counseling, testing, and follow-up services.
The New Life trains people to be leaders in their community in areas of spiritual education and community health development. Some areas of focus are training in evangelism, discipleship, skills training, church development, and prevention of basic diseases.
Our Sister Church in Camaguey, Cuba
Equip orphans with tools and training to overcome life-threatening poverty for good. First United members join Conference mission teams annually.
Dedicated to meeting the essential nutritional needs of malnourished children, pregnant and nursing women, and school children using Ready-to-Use Foods (RUFs) produced in our factory in Cap-Haitien.
Mission “to bring hope and empowerment to the people of Northern Haiti by offering support in areas of health care, education, feeding, clean water, and economic development.”
Connect Our Leader

Forrest White
Director of Missions Ministries