Financial Peace University
January 15, 2025
The purpose of First United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We strive to accomplish this by being a worship plus three church. This means that we believe worship is of prime importance and our foundation. In addition, we are to invite others into a relationship with God, grow in our own relationship with God and our neighbor, and serve others as a continued sign of God’s work in our lives.
We meet every Sunday in-person and online. We'd love to get to know you. Join us for our next service.
The best of traditional worship is presented in a new way with a fresh new approach to time-honored hymns with a variety of styles of music.
A more contemporary, relaxed atmosphere with modern worship music.
*In-Person ASL interpretation available*
Traditional hymns with organ accompaniment are featured in this worship service as well as pieces from our various fine arts music groups.
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No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, we would love to hear your story and help you find hope, forgiveness, and purpose through the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.