We Believe in the Church Devotional Guide

Rev. Dr. Charley Reeb   -  

Monday: Read 1 Corinthians 12:20-21, 24-27. When you became a Christian, you entered one big cosmic body of Christ. It wasn’t just about you and Jesus. You got a team jersey and were assigned a position on the field. You are part of the team. So when you don’t show up for worship or “practice,” not only do you suffer but the team suffers as well. Christianity is not a spectator sport. It is a team sport and God need us on the field. God is counting on us! Here is another way to think about it. Paul Prather reminds us that each of us possess gifts and talents the church needs. If we are not active and present, we are denying the church the benefit of our gifts. What unique gifts do you have that the church needs?

Tuesday: Read Galatians 2:20. The church is not a country club. The church is not a religious resort or a Disney cruise line. We are the body of Christ charged with being God’s vessel for the transformation this world. Yes, we believe in being relevant and appealing. We believe in meeting people where they are and offering quality events that bring people to our church. We believe in good programming but that serves the larger purpose of being the body of Christ We’re called by Christ to serve, not to be served. What does being the “body of Christ” mean to you?

Wednesday: Read 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. The church proves that God can use anyone. The church is not perfect. The church is made up of imperfect people. The church is made up of a bunch of hypocrites and I am chief among them. That’s why we are here! We need a Savior! We are imperfect. This proves that God can take the most unlikely people and do the unthinkable through them. The church is living proof of the amazing and transforming power and love of God. Can you think of an unlikely person God has used in a powerful way?

Thursday: 1 Corinthians 12:12-20. The church is the one place where you can be with a diverse group of people from all walks of life, from all generations, from difference experiences of life and faith and be enriched and inspired by them. Where else but church would you get that kind of experience? Is there someone in our church much older or younger than you who has helped you or inspired you?

Friday: Read Hebrews 10:24-25. As followers of Christ, we must be active in a church. If we want to be healthy and growing Christians, church must be a priority for us. Let’s put it another way. Can you avoid church and still be a Christian? Yes, but not a very healthy one. Can you avoid your spouse and still be in a marriage? Yeah, but it will be a terrible marriage. Can you skip practice and still be a member of the team? Yeah, but you will be terrible on game day. Why is church important to you?