We Believe in Jesus Christ Devotional Guide

Rev. Dr. Charley Reeb   -  

Monday: Jesus is the most famous figure in all of history. More songs have been written about him, more artwork has been created of him and more books have been written about him than any other person who ever lived. In fact, Jesus of Nazareth had such an influence on human history that we measure time by him. Our calendar is divided into the years before and after his birth – BC and AD. If someone were to ask you the following questions, how would you respond? “Why do you follow a poor homeless peasant from Nazareth who lived 2,000 years ago? Why do you follow a man who never wrote a book, never held a political office, never attended college, never visited a big city, never married and had a family, and died homeless and poor?”

Tuesday: Read John 10:30-33. This text shows us that Jesus claimed he was God. No other religious figure in history made this claim. Buddha, Krishna, Gandhi and Mohammed never made claimed to God. Only Jesus claimed to be God. Any person who makes such a claim is either nuts or telling the truth! Jesus is God personified. What does that mean to you?

Wednesday: Read Luke 5:20-21. Jesus also claimed to forgive sins. He claimed to have the power to wipe away all those things in life that put us in the dark, that make us bitter and unable to experience joy. He claimed to have the power to set us free from those things in life that enslave us. Have you ever wanted a second chance? Have you ever wanted a new beginning? Have you ever wanted to turn your life around? Jesus claimed to have the power to give you a fresh start. Why is this such a powerful claim and how has it made a difference to you?

Thursday: Read John 3:16. Jesus claimed that he could give us eternal life. a quality of life with God that begins now and is eternal in its duration! Jesus claimed that he could give us power over death! Jesus claimed that he could give us power to live forever with him and there will be no more sin, pain, violence, tears, discouragement, depression, or disease. Have you ever feared death? Have you ever wondered what is on the other side? Have you ever longed to live in a world that has been healed? Have you ever yearned to have a body that is no longer in pain? Jesus claimed that those who follow him we don’t have to fear death. It is simply the threshold to a glorious life with him forever. What does the assurance mean to you?

Friday: Jesus claimed to be God, to forgive sins, and to give people eternal life. You see, when we truly see who Jesus claimed he was we are forced to make a decision about him. The life of Jesus demands a response. You can’t read about the life of Jesus and simply say he was a great teacher or a notable figure in history. You don’t have that choice. Great teachers of history don’t make the claims that Jesus made. Any person who claims what Jesus claimed is either a lunatic or they are telling the truth. So the pivotal question for each one of us is “Who is Jesus to you?” The question is not who is Jesus to your grandmother or mother or father or friends, but who is Jesus to you? Is he insane or is he God? Is he crazy or is he Savior? Is he nuts or is he Lord of Lords? Those are the only two choices we have. How you answer that question will make all the difference to your life.