Self-Affirmations, Self-Care, and Dementia

Vicky Pitner   -  

The lack of feeling appreciated by a loved one living with confusion and memory loss may sometimes feel discouraging because the person is able to express gratitude. Of course, this is unintentional, but the need to feel appreciated is still important. Often family members may not recognize the need to affirm all your efforts.

Self-affirmations are simply positive statements or phrases said to oneself (aloud or silently) at any time of day, place, or during any situation. Self-affirmations are helpful in reducing negative self-talk that may try to sneak its way into your thought patterns. Self-affirmations can motivate, inspire, and create a feeling of optimism throughout the day

Below are some short affirmations and a great reminder that what you do is appreciated.

  • This is tough, but so am I.
  • I am making a difference every day
  • I do not have to be perfect to be amazing.
  • I will take time to care for myself today.
  • My faith makes me whole in spirit, soul, and body
  • God’s power works best in my weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9
  • I will feel a sense of accomplishment with the task I accomplish today.

Didn’t see one that gives you affirming feelings? Find a notepad or journal and start your self- affirmation statements to have on hand when need positive self-talk!

If you would like more information on our Memory Ministry, or Memory Café please contact Vicky Pitner at